Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What Next-Part I

Still mildly hung over from celebrating last night,so I'm not able to get as deep into the topic of, "What Next," but here are a few thoughts. What changes communities, institutions, people and countries are movements. The civil rights movement, the suffragette movement, Anti-Apartheid movement to name a few are the true engines of change

What happened after the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act is that the Civil Rights movement really lost its essence. It failed to adapt over time and was supplanted by black folks running for political office. The campaigns became the substitute for the movement, but campaigns by definition are terribly limited and the goal is really singular.

Obama's campaign for President is the closest thing we have had to a true movement since the 1960s. It meets all the tests of a movement (more on this in the next post) and its goal really is not singular. I think we all feel that the goal of the Obama campaign was not just to get him elected. That was a step on the way. If you look at his goals for governing you will see the next steps in the movement (more on this later)

The issue is how do we all continue to participate.



Hey there!

I too have been asking "what next?"

I was compelled to write a post titled, "After The Tears...America Faces Reality" and I would love to hear some of your reactions to it.

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

Fitts said...

Wow! I can see you really think a lot of our new President-Elect.